Monday, November 9, 2009

Skimboard krandon boards

This is a Brandon Biggins skimboard, naturally graced by Kelsey Simpson board know what they say, the couple that skims together...


Opie Ortiz: Sublime Sun

Art Cafe stuff

M.C. Escher Project: Brandon

This is a painting I did recently of my boyfriend, Brandon wearing some mirrored aviator sunglasses. This is done in oil paints and the glasses are done in acrylic paint. 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Memory Project

I had the privelege this year to use my talents to help make one of a kind gifts for orphans at the Tibetan Children's Village. Students were instructed to draw the orphan they were assigned and write them a letter, in hopes of a response, and maybe contact would be kept. The project is something special and incredible, and the portraits are one of the few gifts these children will ever receive. I will have completed three by the end of my junior year.

Kelsey Simpson, 2009
Colored pencil

Kelsey Simpson, 2009
The Memory Project
The Tibetan Children's Village
Oil paints, gold leaf, metallic acryllic paint, Gesso

Monday, March 23, 2009

Demos and How-To's

I will soon be starting to post how-to videos on how to construct your own multimedia projects, and the possibility of hosting my own webshow offering updates on projects, an incorporation of how-to's and my typical randomness. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Peace, love, and webshows,
Kelsey Simpson

Friday, March 20, 2009


Kelsey Simpson, 2008
Mixed Media, magazine cut outs

*Each individual image was separately severed from magazines with an X-Acto knife, arranged on the matte board with tweezers, and glued to the paper with Modge Podge. The process took 84 hours to complete.*